Saturday, February 1, 2014

You May Never Be That Fortunate!!! Sister Linda's Testimony Connection

You May Never Be That Fortunate!!! Sister Linda's Testimony Connection

Text: Luke 23:39-43
39 "And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.
40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.
42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.
43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise."
Hebrews 3:15 "While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation."

God forbids that you are rejected at the gates of heaven after your death here on earth in Jesus name. Amen.

Today Saturday, February 1, 2014, I am sharing with you by the grace of God, a scenario that occurred between myself, Lugard Ekhator and my wife, Bose Ekhator, before and seven years after our marriage. This is to encourage you to make all the necessary restitution now before it becomes too late to doing so. God bless your soul as you read in Jesus name. Amen.


I first became a truly born again Christian in either 1991, 92 or 93 (I can't remember the exact year now so that I don't become a liar) while still in the village called Ugbugo, but now known as Evbuohen N'Oba, in Orhionmwon LGA, Edo State, Nigeria. That same year by the grace of God, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit after 7 days of fasting and prayers, which drew the attention of the community that night as they heard us speaking in some foreign language, which was not known nor understood even by us that were speaking.
As they gathered on the windows observing us, we were on the floor rolling in the muddy unplastered ground unashamed. Oh! What an awesome experience! In fact, they made jest of us the following day saying that we were rolling on the ground speaking mamamamamama something like that! By the grace of God, that night will remain in my memory until the day I will meet my LORD in glory. Amen.
The ministry that I got saved was Church of God Mission Int'l Inc CGM, and the pastor that tutored me under whose leadership I got saved, born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit was Late Pastor Augustus Ezewan, an Ibo man. To God indeed be all the glory.

In 1996, I relocated from the village to the State headquarters Benin City. I continued with CGM by the grace of God and got baptized by immersion in 1997, by Pastor Sam Osadagbonyi, the then Resident Pastor of CGM, Gospel House, Iyaro, in Ogba River, down Airport Road, by Ogba Zoo, Benin City, Edo State.

My fervent approached to the things of God led me to join the Baptismal Teaching class. By God's grace, about three sets of my students got baptized in water before I left for I. T. service in 1999.

However, I backslided in the process thereby becoming cold in the things of God. Although I was still going to the church (this is the true state of most Christians today), and people were still seeing me as a Christian and addressing me as one, I was truly no longer a Christian but a mere church goer.

Dear friends and you that is reading this now, if you know you don't have any relationship with Jesus anymore due to your backsliding, and you know that should the trumpet of the rapture sound this very minute that you will not make it, please amend your ways, repent, forsake and confess your sins to God now because, you may never be that fortunate like the thief on cross, who obtained a second chance after being judged and condemned Luke 23:43. Amen.

So, as my backsliding continued, I started having girlfriends in sexual relationship. On the whole, I had four sexual partners between 1998 and 2005, and remember I was still active in the church during these periods. What a deceit! Thank you Jesus for saving my soul from hell fire. Amen.
In the process of time, one of the girls who were actually living in the same house with me got pregnant. This was 1998. She was a victim of broken home who was then living with her mother's younger sister, when I came to that compound.

Although I was determined to keep the pregnancy, but her sister objected and this finally led to this young girl, who was in the Secondary School at the time to have an abortion. Your mercy O LORD Jesus I craved today. Please LORD, forgive me all my sins especially the sin of murder I committed against you. I am deeply sorry O LORD God for deflowering your daughter and putting her in the family way, which resulted in abortion when my sins found me and pushed me out Numbers 32:23. Please LORD, forgive me and forgive your daughter whose whereabouts I no longer know. Let your mercy prevail over judgment now in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you Ancient of days for forgiving my sins in Jesus name. Hallelujah!

Dear friends, as I obtained the mercies of God, so shall this mercy of God speak for you today in Jesus name. Amen.


By the grace of God, we conducted our wedding on Saturday, 22nd April, 2006, and to the glory of God, we are blessed with two lovely children for now, Michael and Grace.

Therefore, after discovering the Will of God concerning my wife to be at the time, I made passionate effort to confess all my wicked past sins to her, including the abortion I committed. I was doing this to free myself from any form of guilt whatsoever, at least to make sure she was armed with all the information she needed to counter anything that she may hear thereafter in the cause of our marriage.

When I confronted her in asking about her past life, she only told me that though she had boyfriends, but she never had any abortion. We concluded that since none of us were virgins, it was okay especially as we now knew our past immoral lifestyles but I was wrong. We concluded everything including the traditional marriage, and started our journey into the marriage institution on 22nd April, 2006, were no one has ever graduated since the foundation of the world till date. May the grace of God be made available to us till the end in Jesus name. Amen.


Nevertheless, as we continued in our marriage and seven years into the union, my wife then told me a secret she had hid from me since the inception of our marriage. This exposure and confession of sin was made possible by the Divine Testimony of Sister Linda Ngaujah (now Mrs. Linda Rika), in June/July 2013.

Dear Sister Linda, may your name be found written in the Lamb's book of life. May you never miss your reward in heaven in Jesus name. Amen. May the purpose of your revelation be accomplished to the glory of God in Jesus name. Amen.
Honestly, your testimony brought the reality of the demonstration of the authentic word of God into action within the body of Christ today. A lot of souls who were hitherto headed for damnation in hell fire, have been rescued and fired up to a thorough life of holiness, righteousness, faith, truth, restitution, total obedience to the word of God amongst others by your testimony. Most of us that were living a fake and counterfeit Christian lives have been won back to God in true holiness. Amen.

Sister Linda, your testimony is indeed a God sent message that has been rescuing souls from hell fire since 15th February, 2013. Those whom the Almighty God had programmed to be saved with your testimony are being saved on a daily basis with outstanding testimonies. You are indeed a blessing to this most fortunate generation.
God bless you my dear Sister Linda, for being an instrument that awoke my household to holiness by the grace of God. May this ignited fire of revival continue to burn and glow thereby drawing more souls to the kingdom of God around the entire world today in Jesus name. Amen. It is well with you Sister Linda. Amen.

Now, after downloading the Part One testimony of Sister Linda from the Internet, as soon as we listened to it in the house, my wife, Bose Ekhator, broke down in repentance. She knelt before me and asked that I should forgive her.
What is it? I had queried! She then said she was sorry for lying to me, that SHE ACTUALLY COMMITTED ABORTION TOO during her church goer era.

Although I forgave her immediately, but I blamed her for keeping such secret and wicked sin in her heart without confession. I encouraged her that as a Christian who we claimed to be, we must be able to say the truth at all times even though it is not convenient. My position was that, had she died before watching Sister Linda's testimony, what would have become of her? Even though she was very much active in the church, she would have ended up in hell fire.
You know why? Any unconfessed sin before your death is a direct ticket to hell fire. Please confess that sin now. Psalm 32: 5 “I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin.” Thank you LORD Jesus for your mercy that your daughter discovered. Amen.


Dear friends and readers, you may never be fortunate to receive the mercies of God before you breathe your last, just like the thief on the cross with Jesus did. You may as well never have the opportunity to ever watch, listen or read the true messages of God that can convict you of your sins for repentance, particularly as most messages from the pulpit today are now centered on prosperity, prosperity and prosperity. Souls are dying daily from the churches and landing in hell fire as a result of the compromised messages they heard from their pastors yet, these pastors are not bordered. In as much as their pocket kept swelling fat with their wicked sermons, they care less what becomes of your soul.
This is why you must make every effort today to disconnect yourself from any pastor and church that are feeding you with junk messages. None of them died for you and none of them will ever be able to save your soul from hell fire should you ever appear guilty before the LORD in the Day of Judgment. Remember that it is appointed for a man to die once and then judgment Hebrews 9:27. Be wise and let no man damned your soul in hell fire.
If these pastors want to end up in hell fire, let them go there alone and never with you, for you will never have any excuse to give to God for making hell fire with your fake pastor’s messages. I pray for your deliverance today from their captivity in Jesus name. Amen.

But one way or the other, you've just read this post now by God’s special arrangement. Please, surrender your life to Jesus Christ now Matthew 11:29. You don't know whether you will see the evening of today Luke 12:20. You don't know the day of your death Psalm 90:12.
Please my dear friends don't postpone your salvation and redemption for tomorrow, as you don't have tomorrow but today and all you will ever have is today Hebrews 4:7. Confess that your secret sins to whosoever is concerned now Proverbs 28:13. Make all the amendment and necessary restitution now before its too late Matthew 5:23-24. No single sin is too big to be confessed and no sin is too big that God cannot forgive 1 John 1:9.
If you are therefore ready to confess your sins, Jesus Christ is also ready to forgive you 2 Chronicles 7:14. You must however remember that Jesus Christ will NEVER force HIMSELF on anyone Isaiah 1:18-19. He only makes HIMSELF known to those that love and seek HIM Proverbs 8:17, Jeremiah 29:13, Isaiah 58:2. He can forgive you only when you learn to forgive too Luke 11:4. Should you decide to draw near to God, He will draw near to you James 4:8. Be aware also that God loves you so much and He never wants you to perish John 3:16. If you humble yourself before HIM today, He will lift you up James 4:10.
John 6:37 “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in noise cast out.”

God bless you as you make this awesome confession today for the salvation of your soul in Jesus name. Amen.

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