Monday, December 23, 2013

Death: It Is Better With Animals Than Man

Death: It Is Better With Animals Than Man

Text: Psalms 116:15 “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.”
Philippians 1:21 “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

While on my journey to Abuja, Nigeria, last time where I attended the international conference organized by the Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide, a non denominational Christian ministry, promoting true and total holiness in the body of Christ, being led by Pastor Paul Rika, I meditated over the issue of death throughout the journey, when I was seeing how butterflies were being killed in their countless numbers by motor vehicles, on their attempt to crossing the road harmlessly. This thought took greater part of me as I kept on imagining that these creatures created by the spoken word of God are dying and dying once and for all but, man will die and start his eternity.

Therefore, all other creatures of God except man were created with the spoken word of God Genesis 1:1-25, and once they die, their ends stops were they die, including the evil spirits possessed animals you often called 'witches and wizards' in your environment. So man, start to think less on any kind of animals now and start to think of your life, especially your eternal abode because even if you die in the hands of any animal, they are free from your blood as there's no judgment (eternal) coming their way, but you that was killed and probably your body were eaten by these animals will go and face eternal judgment after your death, to answer for all the things you did why alive Romans 14:12, 1 Peter 4:5. Man, sit up now.
Now, as these animals (birds, flies, fishes, cattle, goats, monkeys, rats, cockroaches, lizards, snakes, bedbugs, lice, crickets, bees, whales, tigers, snails, ants and every other single creature of God that have life [not trees and grasses]) are dying every seconds of the day, so is man who was created in God's own image dying too every seconds of the day Genesis 6:17. While animals are dying ending their existence here on earth, man on the other hand is facing and beginning his eternity in two different destinations at his death beyond this earth. Wouldn't you start contemplating where to spend your eternity now?

Heaven and hell fire are the two destinations where man will spend his eternity and your works, actions, inaction, desires, motives, believes, thoughts and every other things engaging your personality right here on earth right now will determine where you will spend your eternity. So, the choice is absolutely yours to make. Remember, no in-between the two destinations in eternity. You will either be in heaven or in hell fire after your death here on earth.

Meanwhile, while heaven is a place of eternal rest Matthew 11:29, everlasting peace and harmony Revelation 7:16, dwelling and beholding the face of The Father in the presence of Jesus Christ Matthew 18:10, praising and worshipping God in the beauty of holiness Psalms 29:2. However, it is a destination only for those whose sins are forgiven Romans 4:7, who are washed clean with the blood of the Lamb Revelation 1:5, Acts 20:28, who believed John 3:16, received John 1:12 and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour, whose garments are unspotted Ephesians 5:27, a holy 1 Peter 1:15-16 and righteous Luke 23:47 people and whose name are written in the Lamb's book of life Revelation 21:27. The glory that awaits those who will make heaven can never be quantified or likened to anything here on earth right now or later John 17:22. Almighty Father, help me to make it to heaven by your grace and mercy through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Hell fire on the other hand is a destination for the unsaved John 3:18. Though it was originally created for the devil and the angels that fell with him in the rebellion Matthew 25:41, man now make it his own eternal destination by taking the place of the devil in disobeying the word of God Job 36:12, 1 Peter 4:17. Hell fire was never created from the beginning until Lucifer fell out with God Ezekiel 28:15, Isaiah 14:12. Hell fire was originally created to accommodate only Satan and the fallen angels hence hell fire have to enlarge itself to accommodate the ever growing number of men going into it now Isaiah 5:14. Now that hell fire has expanded itself, it is also never full of the souls that are descending into it daily Proverbs 27:20.
Apart from that, hell fire is a place of torment that you will never pray your worsted enemy to be Luke 16:23. This is because the torments in hell fire know no bounds and it burns with fire and brimstone Revelation 21:8. Please, don’t go to hell for anything as you will forever regret why you were ever created a human being in the first place.

I have observed with bitter agony in my spirit in the manner that living men eulogizes fallen (dead) men. You will see the merriment that is created to celebrate the dead when the dead that is being celebrated have no idea whatsoever of anything that is being done in his/her honuor after their death. Look, if only the living being will understand the pain and torments most of the people they are celebrating their death on earth are facing in hell fire, the living would have been considering more of their end than the dead man. No wonder Jesus Christ said “let the dead bury their dead” in reaction to the response of a scribe when he was called for the ministry duty Luke 9:60.
As much as I am a child of God, I don’t want my most wicked enemy to go to hell fire. Please my dear brethren, avoid hell fire by all means possible.


The underlisted and much more other sins will take you to hell fire should you fail to repent before your death. Again, please, don’t go to hell fire.
* Failure to believe on Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior John 3:18, Mark 16:16
* The wicked and those that forget God Psalms 9:17
* The fearful, unbelieving (those without Christ at all), abominable, murderers, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars Revelation 21:8
* Those that offend and do iniquity Matthew 13:41-42
* The careless and stingy individual Christian Matthew 25:41-46
* The unprofitable servant Matthew 25:30
* The foolish virgins Matthew 25:11-12
* The unrighteous, fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, effeminate, gay/bisexual/transexual, thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, revilers and extortioners (bribe givers and takers) 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
* Dogs (backslidden Christians), sorcerers, whoremongers and murderers (abortioneers and hired killers) Revelation 22:15
* Suicidals Matthew 27:5
* Fornicators, uncleanness (masturbators), lasciviousness, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envying (those who envy others) and revellings (those who take pleasure in unholy things) Galatians 5:19-21
* The Christians who are worshipping their pastors as God Romans 1:25
* Unpeaceful and unholy Christians Hebrews 12:14
* Lesbians Romans 1:26
* Homosexuals Romans 1:27
* Unrighteousness,  wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, debate, deceit, malignity whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful Romans 1:29-31
* Supporters and lovers of ungodliness and ungodly/unbiblical practices Romans 1:32

Moreover, now that you have read this piece, where will you spend your eternity? Should you die this minute right now being a Christian you claimed to be, are you sure you will make heaven? Do you know if your parents, brothers and sisters that died as a Christian are in hell fire right now? How prepared are you to spend eternity in heaven with Jesus? Should the trumpet of the rapture sound now, dear Christian brothers and sisters, will you be raptured? Yes, you have spent greater part of your life in church but, do you have a relationship with Jesus that can earn you heaven? Brothers and sisters, are you truly born again as you claim? Are you aware the destination your late pastor, G.O, G.S, Pope, Archbishop, Prophet, deacon is spending his/her eternity right now? Do you know that people are doing from the pulpit, buried as Christians and celebrated as overcomers in Christ but end up in hell fire? Do you know where your present pastor will spend his/her eternity? Ponder over these questions my dear people of God.

Now, your action and reactions to this post will show where you will spend your eternity, either in heaven with God or, in hell fire with the devil. The choice is absolutely yours to make.

God bless you.

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