If you are a true Christian woman and you are HEAVENLY conscious, and you still continue in your:-
* Painting
* Make-ups
* Attachments
* Weave-on
* Jewelries
* Trousers
* Eyes lashes
* Mini Skirts
* Spaghetti
* Earrings
* Chains
* Bangles
* Rings
* Artificial Nails etc
after watching this video (A WARNING FROM GOD TO ALL WOMEN) then, I regret to say that, you are irredeemably condemned, but I pray the mercy of God will not be withdrawn from you before you will amend your ways.
I hereby call on all our pretentious Christian Sisters, who are boasting that they will make heaven, irrespective of how they dress, uses make-ups, jewelries and wearing trousers, because they are:-
- Pastors
- Choir leaders
- Pastors wives
- Women group leaders
- President & founders of churches
- Prayer group leaders
- Prayer warriors
- Ushers
- Children leaders
- Youth leaders
- Marriage counselors
- Sunday school teachers
- Bible study teachers
- Choristers
- Announcement minister etc, to please repent, and do away with all these your worldly attires because, you are only deceiving yourselves. Heaven is too HOLY to accommodate you with your worldly attires 1Peter 1:15 - 16. You have long been misled by your wicked and prosperity driven pastors that keep telling you "it doesn't matter". My dear Christian women, you are playing with FIRE with your I-Don't-Care-Attitude in dressing and worldly make-ups you cherished so much 1Corinthians 3:17.
Sisters, these your wicked, prosperity driven, anti-christ and self centered pastors you are running after calling Daddies and Munnies are doing these things to you:-
* They are DECEIVING you
* They are hiding the TRUTH from you (A Zonal Pastor with the Redeemed Christian Church of God RCCG, told me sometimes ago. He said "Lugard, if you don't see us preach about these things, (painting, weave-on, attachment, trousers, earrings etc) it does not mean we are not teaching our families about them at home"). My God! This is a pure testimony that, these pastors are busy preparing their household for HEAVEN, while they careless for what will become of you even if you go to hell fire, though you are an active member of their churches contributing to their super rich lives. Who is deceiving who?
* They are sending you to HELL
* They only welcome you because of your TITHES and OFFERINGS you are paying to them
* They have SEPARATED you very far from God
* They are making you COMFORTABLE IN THEIR CHURCHES without any concern for the salvation of your soul
* They are using you for their own SELFISH and VAIN glory
I tell you, run away from these your sweet coated tongues pastors, repent and ask for forgiveness from God now 1Corinthians 10:21, Ephesians 5:11. Do away with these strange idols that have separated between you and your God Genesis 35:1 - 4. Stop deceiving yourselves that, righteousness is of the heart. How can you say you are a Christian, very pure in your heart (according to your own standard) and there's no difference between you and a practicing harlot in your dressing, appearances and others? Matthew 7:18. You are surely a disgrace to the Christian faith.
The true daughters of Deboral must be different from the daughters of Jezebel. The true Christian woman must be separate from the women of this world in dressing 2Corinthians 6:14 - 18.
May God cause his face to shine on you, as you watch this video and turn a new leaf in Jesus mighty name, amen.
Here is the link to the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvxxKp8Bvlo&feature=youtube_gdata_player

For me, I changed and repented immediately I watched sister Linder's message.I asked God to give me more grace to pursue Heavenly things and run away from earthly things. The reasons why many christian -like- people do not believe the message are: 1. the message is not from them or their pastors.2.Satan has hardened their heart from God's message.The message is very True because it's about : HOLINESS, RIGHTEOUSNESS, SALVATION AND REPENTANCE. May be they would have believe if the message were to dress indecently,or to amend the commandment of God so that they can do the opposite. Let everyone search themselves and see if Jesus Christ can enter them and live for a second.N/B. No HOLINESS No HEAVEN. If you are a real christian you don't need to ask questions or argue.May God forgive the unbelievers.