By: Blessing Ayuba
01/05/2013 BY 5.25AM WEDNESDAY
As we were about concluding our family devotion, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me in tears. When I saw Him crying, I rebuked Him. He responded by saying: "Daughter, do not rebuke me! I am the one, I am who I am". Then I asked Him, "Why are you crying? Your tears are touching my heart".
He then gave me the reason for the tears: "My children that I have redeemed from sin to righteousness have forsaking me. Especially my chosen ones - Pastors, Bishops, Evangelists, Prophets, Apostles, Deacons, Elders, etc. They shout in their churches pretending that they are worshiping me, not knowing that they are deceiving themselves. See how the heathen are slaughtering them like animals because they have refused to truly seek me in prayer and uphold my power which I have given them. In some of the churches, because of the presence of sin, I no longer have anything to do with because I cannot behold sin.
They tell the story of how the Isrealites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years instead of 40 days due to their disobedience. Are they (my children) not worst than them (Isrealites)?" Then I pleaded with Him "We are sorry. Have mercy on us".
The Lord then concluded: "Go and tell my children what you saw. Do not keep it to yourself".
This message is reaching you in obedience to His command.
Blessing Ayuba
Kids Evangelical Mission of Nigeria - KEMON'
29, Sarki Turawa Road, Damdu, Yola,
Adamawa State, Nigeria.

You can contact Blessing Ayuba on 08026505489 and 07036396121. Thank you and God bless.