A blog that cuts across ethnic, religious, social, political, business and status BARRIERS My Contacts: BBM PIN: 7BFA3C6C Skype: @lugardosas Facebook: https//www.facebook.com/lugardek Twitter: @lugardosa Phone: +2348051516844 Email: lugardosas@gmail.com Nairaland: @luluosas
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
The HORRORS Of Hell Fire
I don't expect anyone to believe the existence of Hell Fire but, know this for sure: As far as there's day, night, seconds, minutes, hour, week, month, year, there's certainly Heaven and there's certainly Hell Fire.
The bible teaches us in "Psalms 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God".
Are you therefore among the nations that forget God? You have a great chance to repent today and turn to Jesus Christ for the salvation of your soul.
I know of a particular set of people (Atheist) who never believes in the existence of God, talk-less of heaven and hell. Anyway, the bible declares in "Psalms 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good". So you see, you make yourself a fool for declaring or believing that there's no God.
Atheist, let it be known to you today that there is God, and that He created you and everything you can see here on earth today. "Isaiah 40:28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding".
Again, I know a particular Christian religious circle (Jehovah Witnesses) that had a belief that, heaven and hell is here on this planet earth. However, be reminded that heaven and hell are never on this planet earth. "Deuteronomy 4:39 Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else" and "Proverbs 15:24 ¶ The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath".
Now, whether you believe in the existence of God, the reality of Heaven, the reality of Hell fire, one thing I want you to know is that, apart from the visions, revelations and personal experiences by individuals today about the reality of Heaven and Hell fire, let it be known to you that the bible equally gives an account of heaven and hell experience. "Luke 16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom".
Please, visit this link http://www.freecdtracts.com/hell.htm and read about the testimonies of HUMANS BEINGS that experienced heaven and hell at one time and the other.
Again, please, take time to watch the following videos, centered on the Horrors of Hell and quickly make amendment today, to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour.
May God richly bless your soul as you repent today. Say this brief prayer: Lord Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner. I come to you today to wash me clean in your blood. I accept you as my Lord and personal Saviour. Thank you for saving me in Jesus name, amen. Congratulations to you child of God, you are now a Christian. Please, find a bible believing and practicing church to learn more about our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you.
Here are LINKS to the various videos I want you to prayerfully watch and pray everyday for God's mercy. God bless you.
The Cry Of Jesus Christ Daily
The cry of Jesus Christ daily is the endless invitation to sinners: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28
Now, how many people are heeding the voice of Jesus to really come unto Him? Many of us hides under our Christian religious enclave to commit countless sins daily. Some of us think that, by reason of our 'versed' knowledge of the bible and being pastors and ministers of the Gospel, that we are true Christians.
A true Christian is the one that is known by his/her works in Christ Jesus. A womanizer, or a smoker, or a drunkard, who hides under the Christian umbrella and continues in his/her wicked acts even in secrets is only deceiving him/herself.
True repentance comes from the heart. Romans 10:10a "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness" and manifest in the outward appearance through public confession. Romans 10:10b "and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation". How therefore can a man who says he/she knows God will still be smoking, womanizing, being drunk (heavy/light), defraud, masturbate, lie, homosexual, lesbian, robber (political/educational/wealth) etc.
I therefore call on you reading this post right now to please, ACCEPT Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour today, so that He can truly and wholly deliver you from the danger of Hell fire. Matthew 5:22c "but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire".
Say this prayer right now if you want to accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ into your life: Lord Jesus, I come to you today just as I am. I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I have sinned against heaven and against earth.
Please Lord Jesus, forgive me all my sins today, and wash me clean in your precious blood. I receive forgiveness from my sins today. I receive grace to live above sin today. I confess you as my personal Lord and saviour. Thank you Jesus for saving me. I am now a child of God! Hallelujah.
If you just said the above prayer, congratulations. I welcome you in the family of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. God bless you as you look for a bible believing and practicing church around you, to help you to learn and know more about our Lord Jesus Christ.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Give Peace A Chance In Nigeria Today
PEACE is a NON NEGOTIABLE for Nigeria's survival and continuous existence. I therefore call on Book Haram in the North, MEND in Niger - Delta, OPC in the South - West and MASSOB in the East, to please, GIVE PEACE A CHANCE IN NIGERIA today and lay down your ARMS.
However, whoever is fanning the embers of WAR, DISUNITY, DIVISIONS and DESTRUCTIVE TENDENCIES in Nigeria today should therefore know that, WAR has NO family, father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, friend or relative. As it kills and destroys to the right, so it does to the left.
Therefore, let's give PEACE a chance and embrace one another in the true spirit of togetherness, so that indeed, THE LABOUR'S OF OUR HEROES PAST SHALL NEVER BE IN VAIN.
God bless Nigeria, our FATHER'S LAND. Thank you all.
Signed: Lugard O. Ekhator, A True Believer of Nigeria's Togetherness.
All rights reserved. lugardosas@gmail.com
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Dissolution Of Marriages By The Law Courts: Right Or Wrong In The Christian Perspective?
Dissolution Of Marriages By The Law Courts: Right Or Wrong In The Christian Perspective?
As a
Christian, I have really been worrying over this subject matter. To me, I am of
the opinion that, the courts are surely going against the word of God, as it
relates to separating legally married people (man & woman), using the
courts, another legal entity. Remember, any marriage conducted whether in the
church, in the court, or in traditional way and method has a legal backing and
God’s approval.
begin, in Hebrews 13:4, the bible
declares “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers
and adulterers God will judge”. If marriage is therefore a thing of honour,
how then will the courts become the instruments to break this honourable
institution? This is left for the courts to answer.
now, one may be tempted to say God approves device because, in Matthew 5:31, the bible says "It hath
been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of
divorcement". Yes, this is the word of God but, you will not get the
true message until you read the next verse. Let’s go there and read. Matthew 5:32 “But I say unto you, That
whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth
her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced
committeth adultery”. You see, before you dream of ever divorcing your
wife/husband, it has to be under the case of unfaithfulness which ultimately is
extra marital affairs. This in essence brings to the fore that, a couple that parted ways in divorcement prepares themselves for adultery, which is a sin against God. Exodus 20:14 says "Thou shalt not commit adultery".
at that, Paul declared that, should you ever divorce your husband/wife, be
ready to remain UNMARRIED until one partner in the aborted union dies 1Corinthians 7:11 “But and if she depart, let
her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband
put away his wife”. The case of divorcement is never a thing that true
Christians should ever consider.
there were some people who were trying to prove to Jesus that, they were given
the go ahead order to divorce their wives in Matthew
19:7 “They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of
divorcement, and to put her away”? but, the reaction of Jesus in the matter
angered them. Jesus told them that, it was as a result of the stubbornness/hardness
of their hearts that Moses gave them that law, which was never so from the
beginning Matthew 19:8 “He saith unto
them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away
your wives: but from the beginning it was not so”.
To get
better understanding of God against divorcement, the bible in Malachi
2:16 says, “For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away:
for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts: therefore
take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously”. Judge,
Solicitor, Lawyer, are you therefore considering it fun to preside over cases
of divorcements in your courts?
No Man Should Put Asunder What God Had
Joined Together
is usually between two people, who have come of age with high sense of
responsibility, and primarily for procreation.
the bible gives explicit clarification on the issue of divorcement. In Matthew 19:6 “Wherefore they are no more
twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put
asunder”. Also, in the book of Ephesians
5:31,the bible says “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother,
and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh”. And in
Genesis 2:24, “Therefore shall a man
leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall
be one flesh”. If the bible so declared that, the two married couples are
ONE FLESH, why are the courts now dividing this one flesh into two halves, and
thereby putting 'asunder' what God had joined together?
not a lawyer but, I do know that the court is a legal institution, established
by law, to address and correct the injustice in the land, to uphold and defend
the constitution of the land, to defend the rights of the oppressed, to settle
disputes and resolves lingering crisis, and so on and so forth. These two
questions therefore now arise:
1. Is
it right and biblical for the law courts to dissolve any marriage that have
been consummated under church, court and traditional law?
2. Is
it also wrong and unbiblical for the law courts to dissolve any marriage that
have been consummated under church, court and traditional law?
hear your views and biblical scriptures to drive home your support or against
position over this matter. Thank you.
Some Cases Of Courts Dissolves Marriages In
1. Court dissolves cleric’s 24-year-old
Igando Customary Court in Lagos yesterday dissolved a 24- year-old marriage of a cleric over
threat to his life by the wife. “The court has no choice than to dissolve the
union between Raheem Sanni and Rosemary, although the woman says she still loves
the man”, the court president, Mr. R.I. Adeyeri, held. The News
Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the dissolution followed a
petition by Raheem, 54, who said that Rosemary always
threatened his life with dangerous weapons. He also said that Rosemary lacked
respect for him and that she denied him care....
2. Court dissolves 22-year-old marriage
over infidelity, threat to life:
Agege Customary Court in Lagos on Wednesday dissolved a 22-year-old marriage between
Adewale Oluokun and his wife, Titilayo, noting that the marriage had broken
down irretrievably. The Court President, Mr Emmanuel Sokunle
said: “Starting from today, you cease to be addressed as
husband and wife. “The custody of the children is referred to the Family Court, Ikeja,
for final decision. “In the interim, the children will
remain with their mother and since she didn’t demand any money
from their father, the man is ordered to go his way and
maintain the peace. Sokunle also ruled that the respondent
should stay away from his former wife and that at no time
should he come near her....
3. Drama, As Court Dissolves
21-Yr-Old Marriage:
wept like a baby as the court said they had ceased to be husband and wife after 21 years of
marriage. She denied all the allegations levelled against her including the
of the junior wife and her child. It all happened at an Agege Grade A
Customary Court, Lagos where the husband, Wahab Adekola, had
dragged her over alleged fetish acts and nagging....
4. Court dissolves 25-year-old marriage in
25-year-old marriage between one Mr Kayode Oladepo and Mrs Comfort Oladepo has
been dissolved by a Grade ‘B’ Customary Court sitting in Orile-Agege, Lagos State.
President of the Customary Court, Mr Joseph Adewusi, had ruled that the marriage between two had
broken down due to the husband’s unfaithfulness and his drunken
attitude. “Starting from today, you seize to be addressed as husband and
wife. You
shall go your separate ways unmolested. The custody of the children
is referred to the Family Court, Ikeja but in the interim, the
children should remain with their mother....
5. Courts dissolve 52 marriages in Kwara:
fewer than 52 marriages were dissolved by courts in Omu-Aran, Kwara State in
2012, the News Agency of Nigeria reports. Some of the reasons adduced for the dissolution included lack
of love
between the parties, desertion, irresponsibility and uncaring
attitude. Other reasons adduced were infidelity, cruelty, battery and
showed that of the 86 cases filed, 30 traditional marriages were dissolved by the Area
Court while the remaining 22 court marriages were dissolved by the
Upper Area Court and High Court....
rights reserved.
Friday, April 5, 2013
The Advantage And Disadvantages Of MNP In Nigeria
Disclaimer: Please, this is a personal submission over the behaviours of mobile phone network operators in Nigeria, therefore, don't crucify me for saying my mind. Thank you.
MNP is the acronym for Mobile Number Portability. Every Nigerian knows that the telecoms regulator in Nigeria, the NCC have long been promising MNP to Nigerians for a long time now. The more Nigerians expected this process to begin within the telecoms operators in Nigeria, the more it appears that it can never be possible.
Anyway, the wait seems to be over now with the green light NCC gave that, its implementation will begin (or have began) on 26th March, 2013. Although the four major telecoms operators to begin with the MNP have not release any guidelines on their website, Nigerians are truly looking up to a time they will have the POWER to hire and fire any operator at will, for this is the major essence of the MNP implementation.
From the foregoing, let me quickly say that, after observing the behaviours among the four major operators in Nigeria, which are Glo, MTN, Airtel and Etisalat, I have personally concluded NEVER to port/migrate to any network under the MNP implementation due to the simple fact that, never will a particular network provider tire me down to their service during poor service delivery on their network. To this end, my numbers on the various networks stays as they are at the moment.
Now, every individual telecoms service subscriber to Glo, MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Nigeria knows too well that, these four operators have one thing in common - poor service delivery. With the continuous deteriorating services these telcos are offering Nigerians and coupled with the fact that, you are sometimes locked-out by these operators from legally using the service you have subscribed, it therefore make no sense for one to migrate under this MNP regime. The issue of drop calls, over charging on calls, SMS failures and charged, data subscription yet unusable, exorbitant data tariff, unable to call with airtime availability, USSD transaction failures, party called unreachable yet with you, charges for service(s) not rendered and so on and so forth, ranges among the challenges we currently face from these operators.
Ordinarily, one would think that with the HUGE profits these telcos are presenting at the end of every year from their investment, it will present a situation of normal business environment satisfaction from the contributors (subscribers) of these huge gains with quality service delivery but alas, the reverse is the case. The trend has always been that, the subscriber is at the receiving end while the operators keep smiling to the banks at their detriment. MNP somehow will address this but not ultimately.
In pursuant of this topic, I may therefore lack substance to fully express my position but, my decision NEVER to port my number or any of my numbers remain.
1. Ability to retain your NUMBER after porting to a new telecom service provider.
To me, this is the only advantage that MNP will bring to the game. My argument is hinged on the fact that, most Nigerian telecoms subscriber today that have refused to adopt a new number from another provider, despite been offered poor and terrible services from their current operator, is borne out of the fact that, majority of the people have been using the said number they don't want to lose from the inception of Mobile Telephone services in Nigeria. Therefore, switching to a new service provider will mean that, you have to notify all your contacts about your new number, thereby giving you extra work to do. But with MNP, your contacts are still intact with your KNOWN NUMBER even though you are now on operator B network.
1. Tied down for a period of 90 days. I will rather switch Sim cards on my phone than switch a telecom service provider.
Now, MNP gives you the ability to switch a network provider but, only once in 90 days. Should the operator you just migrated falls into serious network challenges, it means you will remain with them no matter your bitter experience at the moment for a 90 days period. Me? Never!
2. Jump-in but can't Jumb-out at will. Today, whenever you are having network challenges with operator A, you quickly switch to operator B by changing your Sim card. In the case of MNP, you can only jump in at a time but can't jump out as you may desire to do with MNP regime.
These and many more are the reasons I will never jump ship for any reason as the current situation stands with all the four major telecoms operators here in Nigeria. They are all birds of the same feather.
Therefore, I humbly submit that, any reasonable Nigerian that want to continue to set the pace for his/her telecoms usage, should reject MNP and embrace multiple Sim card from the four operators. Thank you.
All Rights Reserved lugardosas@gmail.com
MNP is the acronym for Mobile Number Portability. Every Nigerian knows that the telecoms regulator in Nigeria, the NCC have long been promising MNP to Nigerians for a long time now. The more Nigerians expected this process to begin within the telecoms operators in Nigeria, the more it appears that it can never be possible.
Anyway, the wait seems to be over now with the green light NCC gave that, its implementation will begin (or have began) on 26th March, 2013. Although the four major telecoms operators to begin with the MNP have not release any guidelines on their website, Nigerians are truly looking up to a time they will have the POWER to hire and fire any operator at will, for this is the major essence of the MNP implementation.
From the foregoing, let me quickly say that, after observing the behaviours among the four major operators in Nigeria, which are Glo, MTN, Airtel and Etisalat, I have personally concluded NEVER to port/migrate to any network under the MNP implementation due to the simple fact that, never will a particular network provider tire me down to their service during poor service delivery on their network. To this end, my numbers on the various networks stays as they are at the moment.
Now, every individual telecoms service subscriber to Glo, MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Nigeria knows too well that, these four operators have one thing in common - poor service delivery. With the continuous deteriorating services these telcos are offering Nigerians and coupled with the fact that, you are sometimes locked-out by these operators from legally using the service you have subscribed, it therefore make no sense for one to migrate under this MNP regime. The issue of drop calls, over charging on calls, SMS failures and charged, data subscription yet unusable, exorbitant data tariff, unable to call with airtime availability, USSD transaction failures, party called unreachable yet with you, charges for service(s) not rendered and so on and so forth, ranges among the challenges we currently face from these operators.
Ordinarily, one would think that with the HUGE profits these telcos are presenting at the end of every year from their investment, it will present a situation of normal business environment satisfaction from the contributors (subscribers) of these huge gains with quality service delivery but alas, the reverse is the case. The trend has always been that, the subscriber is at the receiving end while the operators keep smiling to the banks at their detriment. MNP somehow will address this but not ultimately.
In pursuant of this topic, I may therefore lack substance to fully express my position but, my decision NEVER to port my number or any of my numbers remain.
1. Ability to retain your NUMBER after porting to a new telecom service provider.
To me, this is the only advantage that MNP will bring to the game. My argument is hinged on the fact that, most Nigerian telecoms subscriber today that have refused to adopt a new number from another provider, despite been offered poor and terrible services from their current operator, is borne out of the fact that, majority of the people have been using the said number they don't want to lose from the inception of Mobile Telephone services in Nigeria. Therefore, switching to a new service provider will mean that, you have to notify all your contacts about your new number, thereby giving you extra work to do. But with MNP, your contacts are still intact with your KNOWN NUMBER even though you are now on operator B network.
1. Tied down for a period of 90 days. I will rather switch Sim cards on my phone than switch a telecom service provider.
Now, MNP gives you the ability to switch a network provider but, only once in 90 days. Should the operator you just migrated falls into serious network challenges, it means you will remain with them no matter your bitter experience at the moment for a 90 days period. Me? Never!
2. Jump-in but can't Jumb-out at will. Today, whenever you are having network challenges with operator A, you quickly switch to operator B by changing your Sim card. In the case of MNP, you can only jump in at a time but can't jump out as you may desire to do with MNP regime.
These and many more are the reasons I will never jump ship for any reason as the current situation stands with all the four major telecoms operators here in Nigeria. They are all birds of the same feather.
Therefore, I humbly submit that, any reasonable Nigerian that want to continue to set the pace for his/her telecoms usage, should reject MNP and embrace multiple Sim card from the four operators. Thank you.
All Rights Reserved lugardosas@gmail.com
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