Thursday, November 29, 2018

Paul Rika - A Dog Eating Dog Pastor

In dog-do-not-eat-dog situation, it is said that "One disreputable person will not harm other disreputable people". If this could be said of disreputable people, what ought to be said of reputable people which the Christian community worldwide represents? Sadly, it is a known fact and practiced in Christendom that we don't love ourselves, we fight one another, and most times, we assassinate the character and personality of other fellow Christians when we fall out against each other. In fact this is the singular reason for the proliferation of churches around us today, aside the fact that many people opened church for business oriented purposes. It is a case of giving dog a bad name in order to hang it.

True love, togetherness and brotherly affection has been erased from the Christian community, as supposed Christians now engage in voodoo practices to undo one another. Backstabbing and blackmail has become a ready tool in the hands of top and respected Christian leaders to weaken their fellow soldiers of the LORD, wound and kill them in the battlefield so as to erase any remembrance of such fellow in their empire. No wonder the Bible says that wars and fightings are reported among professing Christians so as to enlarge one's lustful appetite for material gains James 4:1.

Now, according to the Idioms Free Dictionary, A dog-eat-dog situation is one in which people are willing to harm each other or to use dishonest methods in order to achieve what they want.
This definition above aptly fits Pastor Paul Rika, International Director, Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW), with headquarters at Kwali Area Council, Abuja, Nigeria relation to this post.

Ever since Pastor Rika, a renowned Deeper Life pastor who rose to the position of 'Regional Overseer' before resigning from the services of Deeper Life Bible Church in pursuit of HOREMOW, started aligning people with compromising tendencies around himself with the utmost desire to finding fault among his compatriots in HOREMOW, he totally became 'another man' (evil wise) especially after getting married to the Sierra Leoner girl, Linda. His actions and performances in regards to chastity in Christianity nosedive, as one can now comfortably opined that 'Ichabod' the glory has indeed departed from Paul Rika 1 Samuel 4:21.

In the early days of HOREMOW when fake, adulterated and self-serving revelations has not find their way into the ministry, you could truly see a man that was passionately serving and working for God with genuine zeal, although the spirit of envy and jealousy has been planted in him before then in regards to Divine Revelation of God's Holiness and Judgment of Michael Thomas Sambo, which he helped put into a book. Even at that, he was able to tame himself so as not to display the spirit of greed to the members which was already at play within himself. He was just being careful at the time.

But as soon as he developed an undying appetite for supposed revelations with the advent of Linda Ngaujah of Sierra Leone (his present wife), the devil played a fast one on Pual Rika with thirst and lust for anything called revelations, a situation he has failed to redeem himself from till date which now resulted in Paul Rika, a Deeper Life firebrand Christian pastor concocting with Satan in releasing fake revelations and prophesies. Indeed, the Word of God cannot be broken because 1 John 4:1 says "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." Pastor Rika therefore got carried away by Linda's false revelations without testing the spirit behind her revelations. It is my prayer today that God should redeem and rescue Pastor Rika from the path of destruction he is heading to in Jesus name. Amen.


It is often said that educational (earthly) wisdom is not Godly wisdom. Godly wisdom to a larger extent is the application of common sense in one's dealings and judgment which is devoid of any educational contributions, but inspiration from above coupled with the fear of God to arriving at desired destination. In the same vein, Pastor Paul Rika has always demonstrated educational (earthly) wisdom in his judgment at the expense of Godly wisdom thereby throwing caution to the wind to revealing his ungodly and impure desire. This position proves the word of God right according to James 3:13-17 which says "If you are wise and understand God's ways, live a life of steady goodness so that only good deeds will pour forth. And if you don't brag about the good you do, then you will be truly wise!
14 But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your hearts, don't brag about being wise. That is the worst kind of lie.
15 For jealousy and selfishness are not God's kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and motivated by the Devil.
16 For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and every kind of evil.
17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no partiality and is always sincere" NLT.

In firing his first bullet against a fellow soldier in the battlefield of the LORD, Pastor Paul Rika produced and released a CD against Michael Thomas Sambo that ran in volumes 1, 2 and 3 with a deceptive title 'Know The Truth About The Matter' in order to deceive his gullible followers the more, and to also blind discerning minds who fell prey to this ungodly practice to create a sense of hatred and animosity towards the person of Michael Sambo. The reckless released of the CD by Pastor Rika was an affirmation that earthly wisdom was really at play without any respect to Godly procedure in settling brotherly disputes  Matthew 18:15-17. He thereafter commanded his foot soldiers to as a matter of urgency spread the devilish CD with the speed of light not minding that he just slaughtered a fellow soldier with intercontinental ballistic missile called slander. What a dangerous misguided shot!

The foot soldiers just as instructed by their commanding officer Pastor Paul Rika, went haywire in the distribution of the deceptive satanic CD released against Michael Sambo. It beats my wildest imagination how renowned academic professors, lawyers, senator, engineers, captain of industries, brilliant business managers, seasoned accountants and all high profile individuals in their enclave could this be so daft in believing and accepting a clear self-serving CD aimed at destroying their fellow soldier of the LORD in the battlefield. It is very disheartening to say the least. In fact, it is disgustingly disgusting. I pray that God will forgive their ignorance in Jesus name. Amen.


In John 7:50 Nicodemus, who had gone to Jesus earlier and who was one of their own number, asked,
51 "Does our law condemn a man without first hearing him to find out what he has been doing?" ESV.
From the position of Brother Nicodemus above, it is expected that any accused person(s) are given the opportunity to first hear him/her regarding the allegation(s) levelled against such a person. And to some extent, the accused are given the opportunity to defend themselves hence the position of defense counsels in the public law court. This is to ensure that the accused is given a fair hearing in order to avoid miscarriage of justice. And until an accused person is found guilty of any crime levelled against such a person especially with undeniable evidence of the crime, he/she is said to be innocent. This is the position of the law and even common sense suggests so.

In unleashing his venomous bite on his second victim in the dog fight, Pastor Paul Rika through false and deceptive revelation by his wife, Linda, accused Pastor Emmanuel David of sexual immorality and occultic empowerment. In the ensuing melee, Emmanuel David was accused of having sexual intercourse with not just one, but FIFTEEN (15) LADIES during the course of his ministration. He was also accused of belonging and using occultic power in carrying out the numerous miracles that the Almighty GOD endued him. In fact this accusation is not only a setup by Pastor Rika, his wife Linda, and some state coordinators of HOREMOW who were jealous of Emmanuel David growing prowess in the LORD, but a deliberate attempt to painting Emmanuel David in bad light so that the public could abhor and disdain him wheresover he might be. This is great wickedness by a mortal man against his fellow Christian brother. No wonder GOD said that the heart of man is DESPERATELY WICKED Jeremiah 17:9.

In order to make the allegations against Emmanuel David looks genuine, Paul Rika deceitfully invited Emmanuel David and his wife to an already seated panel of judges made up of Linda, former HOREMOW admin officer, and some state coordinators. It was really a set up. So when the accuser of Emmanuel David (Paul Rika) came up with the allegations, Emmanuel David challenged him and every other person in the meeting to produce the said 15 imaginary ladies he committed fornication with. He equally challenged them to provide the name of the secret cult he belongs that was empowering him to do miracles. Behold, they were dumbfounded. My God! See how shameless a supposed Holiness pastor can behave.

As if that was not enough, and just as Pastor Rika behaved in his first bite in the dog fight, he went ahead to produce and released a CD in concoction with his wife, Linda, and mandated his foot soldiers to spread the CD with the speed of light. This is notwithstanding the fact that he failed to provide proof of the allegations he levelled against Emmanuel David. In his heart, Pastor Paul Rika was having this kind of belief that he was doing God a service not minding that he again just slaughtered a fellow soldier of the LORD in the battlefield, bringing to fruition the words of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST in John 16:2 which says "They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God" ESV.

As the fire of the false video was ranging across the length and breadth of HOREMOW chapters in Nigeria, those captives who have been brainwashed by the fake revelations of Linda jumped at it and accepted the evil verdict of their pastor (Paul Rika) without any thought, or to even get to Emmanuel David to at least hear from him. They all in conjunction with their pastor condemned Emmanuel David not minding that you cannot pronounced anyone guilty without substantially proving the allegations levelled against the fellow to be true, and nothing but the truth.
Only a remnant of the HOREMOW members who watched the released video encouraged Pastor Emmanuel David not to lose sleep over the backstabbing of Paul Rika. Some called to encourage him, and others sent SMS to register their solidarity with him. These ones I am sure are the few ones with the true Godly heart among the entire membership of HOREMOW. It is my prayer that these ones will not die in the sin of their Achan pastor in Jesus mighty name. Amen.


As I bring this writing to a close, I appeal to you Emmanuel David never to allow the setup of Pastor Rika, Linda his wife and some other HOREMOW leadership deter you from working for the LORD. Jesus is the one that called you. He knows that you are innocent of the allegations against you. The true believers knows that you were falsely accused. Those who knows you personally including myself understand by the grace of God that all they painted about you are pure lies from the pit of hell. Be peaceful and take a cue from your brother Michael Thomas Sambo, who remained peaceful and immovable when Paul Rika fired his satanic dart against him. Remember, Michael Sambo was the first casualty of the bullet shot by Pastor Rika in the dog fight.
Continue to shine for the LORD. The light of GOD in your life will never be quenched by the devil no matter how hard he may try because it is Jesus that called you to work for Him, and not any man somewhere. GOD richly bless you my brother. IT IS WELL WITH YOUR SOUL.



Emmanuel David was the former North-West Zonal Coordinator of HOREMOW, whose impeccable services to God saw the establishment of HOREMOW chapters across Kebbi, Niger, Kaduna and Sokoto States. He was a positive force to reckon with during his days in HOREMOW. God be with him. Amen.

Lugard Ekhator, 08051516844 writes from Benin City. 

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