Saturday, August 17, 2019

Travelling On The Narrow-way Road To Heaven

Matthew 7:13 "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it" .

According to Matthew 7:14 above, the narrow-way road that leads to Life eternal in Heaven are only found by the very few amongst the Christian practitioners of today, as a result of the excess luggage (sin) the intending travellers are carrying which they intentionally refused to let go, despite the fact that the narrow-way road cannot accept them with their loads even though they are well abreast of the demands by the Road Builder for every intending road user. And therefore, seeing that the Narrow-way Road has rejected them with their loads, the intending travellers quickly reversed back to the Broadway Road, which has no travelling manual and every road user there are at liberty to drive anyhow and do anything as they like as they journeyed. But their intentions actually by going on the Broadway Road was to boycott all the security check points on the Narrow-way Road, thereby intends joining the Narrow-way Road on the tail-end of the journey and by so doing shortening the journey to the Paradise of God.
But, sadly as they travelled and to their disappointment, they soon discovered that those who made it to the tail-end of the journey (died) on the Broadway Road has shut every door of opportunities to return back to start the eternal life journey all over again on the Narrow-way Road. What a tragedy!

Meanwhile, some co-travellers on the Broadway Road quickly made a u-turn by disengaging from the Broadway Road and embraces the Narrow-way Road, even it offers tough and committed approach to the travellers, having seen the terrible and irreversible destruction that befell those they were travelling together previously. However, some stubborn forks amongst them remained adamant, despising all the terrific traffic signs on the Broadway Road, consoling themselves with the fact that at least they won't end the journey all alone in destruction, as the billions of multitudes both before and behind them gave them some sorts of deceptive comfort. In fact, the groovings, enjoyment, free sex-service and all manners of deceptive goodies offered on their journey by their slave master were too appetising and tantalising to be ignored Luke 12:16-20. And so, they all perished for their refusal to repent and avoid the Broadway Road Luke 13:5.


Unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, disobedience, wickedness, backbiting, hatred, embezzlement, forgeries, lying, stealing, hypocrisy, bribery, scamming, Internet fraud, false marriage, aiding and abetting evil, gambling, smoking, drunkenness, drug addicts and peddlers, swindlers, rumour mongers and their likes.
Others includes but not limited to fornication, adultery, prostitution, lesbian, homosexual, rapist, masturbation, bestiality and so on. There is also witchcraft, divination, sorcery, ungodliness, unrighteousness, unholiness, cultism, killings, maiming etc.
These also includes using satanic materials on your body such as earrings, nose rings, ankle rings, wedding rings, waistbands and beads, weavons, attachments, necklaces, bangles and bracelets and the rest. It also make do with turning your natural beauty into unnatural estate which includes bleaching, tattoos, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, hair perming, hair dyeing, breast and hips enlargement among many others.

Therefore, you my dear reader, which of the two roads are you travelling on to your eternal destination home? A travel on the Broadway Road is headed to HELL FIRE WITHOUT MERCY AND REMEDY, but very much avoidable before death calls, while the journey on the Narrow-way Road is destined to end in HEAVEN WHERE REIGNETH RIGHTEOUSNESS. Therefore, submit yourselves unto God, repent for the forgiveness of your sins, and yield your members as instrument of righteousness to God, so that you will be admitted worthy of participation when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Acts 3:19. Amen.


The images below are from the destroyed photographs of our wedding including other unworthy pictures that still represents our past ungodly practice as supposed Christians in our homes. We have to let go of them because they no longer represent our present stand in God, which does not allow any form of ungodliness and worldliness no matter how insignificant it may appear.
If you are therefore determined to make heaven by the grace of God in your death, or in the rapture, the watchword is your BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT must be preserved HOLY. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says 'Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again NLT.

Do you want to make heaven? You must not only destroy the ungodly properties in your house, you must terrifyingly avoid using them on your bodies right now which will definitely denied you passage on the Narrow-way Road if you refused to let go, and makes you hell fire candidate undoubtedly. Your heart must not only be presumed holy according to today's theory, it must surely reflect on your body Romans 12:1-2.
