Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Rapture Is Now!!! - By Brother Lugard Ekhator

The Rapture Is Now!!! - By Brother Lugard Ekhator

I recorded this video message at 02:08 AM midnight on Sunday, 29th June, 2014, after waking up from a rapture dream.
Brethren the LORD is already standing at the door for the rapture. Please clean up your life now and make every necessary restitution you needed to make because there is no more time.

If you die right now, are you sure you will be worthy to stand before the LORD as you are now? God is holy and HE demands that we should be holy too 1 Peter 1:15-16, because without holiness, no man shall see the HIM Hebrews 12:14.

Meanwhile some Christians are waiting to first the repentance of their pastors from worldliness before they will repent themselves. You are in great danger for choosing this line my dear friend because you don't know the day you would die. Please amend your ways now before it is too late.

May the LORD cause you to repent after watching this message in Jesus name. Amen.

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